Create a New Diagram
External Inputs

🔌 Electricity


Add information about the electricity consumed by your installation during your specified reporting period.

The emissions associated with your electricity consumption will contribute to your indirect (Scope 2) emissions. This applies to both self-generated electricity and electricity purchased from the grid or directly from other power plants via a power purchase agreement (PPA).

You can find instructions about self-generated electricity in Self-generating Heat and Electricity

CBAM Reminder: Electricity emissions must be reported during the CBAM transitional period (2023–2025) by all sectors. Once the definitive period begins (2026), electricity emissions will need to be reported only for cement and fertilizer goods.

Add Electricity


Right-click on the screen and select External Inputs > Electricity

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Select the Electricity Source

The options are:

  • (Bilateral) power purchase agreement: A power purchase agreement means a contract under which a person agrees to purchase electricity directly from an electricity producer.
  • Received from the grid
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Select the Measurement Unit

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Enter the Quantity of electricity consumed from the specified source during your specified reporting period

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If applicable, enter an alternative Emission Factor

If you receive electricity from a specific power plant under a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), and the power plant monitors its emissions in accordance with EU CBAM rules, you may enter the electricity emission factor provided by them. If they do not provide any values, or if these values have been measured using a methodology different from the one permitted by CBAM, use the grid's emission factor instead.

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Click Data Sources to view the data sources used for the Emission Factor

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If applicable, add Notes

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Click Next

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Edit Electricity


Right-click on Electricity

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Click Edit

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Click Next to save your changes

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Delete Electricity


Right-click on Electricity

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Click Delete

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Data Sources

The rule under the EU CBAM for determining which electricity emission factor to use is to either:

  • use the average emission factor of the country of origin electricity grid, based on data from the International Energy Agency (IEA) provided by the Commission in the CBAM Transitional Registry, or
  • use any other emission factor of the country of origin electricity grid based on publicly available data representing either the average emission factor or the CO2 emission factor (this is the approach we follow).

Both options are fully aligned with the EU CBAM requirements.

We use two primary data sources, both of which meet the CBAM criterion of being publicly available and representing the average emission factors:

Since the EU CBAM requires the unit to be in tCO2/MWh, values originally provided in gCO2/kWh are presented to users after conversion.

If you select Received from the grid as the Electricity Source, the electricity emission factor will be automatically pre-filled based on the country of your installation

If you replace the pre-filled value with your own, the data source will automatically update to User Input. In such cases, please use the Notes field to specify the source of your data.

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Criteria for Data Source Prioritization

We prioritize data sources based on the following criteria, listed in order of relevance:

  1. Granularity
    • Preference is given to country-specific datasets over global ones.
  2. Recency
    • Data from the most recent year is preferred over older datasets.
  3. Consistency
    • When multiple sources are available for the same country and year, preference is given to the one most commonly used across our platform for other countries. This is done to ensure greater consistency in the underlying methodologies.