Create a New Diagram
Production Process

Waste Gas


If you produce pig iron and/or crude steel, you must attribute emissions from the generated waste gas. These emissions contribute to the direct emissions.

Click here to learn more about the CBAM rules for waste gases.


Right-click on the screen and select CBAM > Production Process

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Select any good under the aggregated goods categories of Pig Iron or Crude Steel

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Select the Measurement Unit

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Indicate the amount of waste gas generated in the specified unit

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Input the Waste Gas Emission Factor

According to equation 54, input the standard emission factor of natural gas 56,1 tCO2/TJ.

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Click Next

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Click on the black dot at the edge of the Production Process and drag the line to connect it to one of the black dots on the Self Electricity and/or Production Process

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Select Waste Gas as the type of output

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Enter the Quantity of Waste Gas you want to send to the Self Electricity unit

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Click Add

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Emissions are calculated based on the amount of waste gas exported to each process

In the below example, emissions from the production process are calculated using equation 54, taking into account the amount of waste gas exported to each process, the standard emission factor of natural gas (56.1 tCO2/TJ), and the correction factor (Corrη = 0,667).

Simultaneously, emissions from the waste gas imported to each process are calculated using equation 53, where the correction factor is not applied. Hence, the attributed emissions are higher than those deducted from the originating process (blast furnace).

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